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For over seven years, Out Front Ideas, hosted by Kimberly George of Sedgwick and Mark Walls of Safety National, has focused on providing thought-provoking conversations with workers’ compensation industry leaders. Our goals have always been to improve our industry by raising awareness and facilitating the open sharing of information.
Many uncertainties still loom over the industry regarding the lasting impact of the pandemic, leaving much to be determined about the future. However, compared to last year’s first Out Front Ideas virtual conference, we are armed with more data and lessons learned, providing a more holistic overview of the effects on employers, injured workers and the economy. Designed to bring the conversation up a notch, this year’s conference theme, “Elevate,” will feature keynotes from nationally recognized experts. The sessions will cover new ideas, trends, challenges, and solutions from risk managers and brokers TPAs, carriers and other industry stakeholders.
There is no cost to register, and sessions can be viewed live or through the archive after the broadcast. We hope you will join us as we raise the bar on these critical conversations and continue to Elevate